Thursday, May 19, 2011

What Is Satisfaction?

We look at our lives and many of us are satisfied with the direction we are taking. I find others are looking for a new way to live that isn't so demanding that they can have more opportunities to spend time with family and their interests. And isn't that why we live and reproduce?

As many of you have come to find out, I am pretty fed up with both sides of the aisle. No one is working for us anymore. And after research, I found out that they may never have been working for us in the first place. When the revolution was happening, our new government was encouraging people to buy "their" land out "west". These loans were low or no interest. We were taught in school that these people were expanding the U.S. territory for no other reason than to try to capture the American dream. The truth is the newly formed U.S. government was providing these loans to homesteaders to create equity and a credit line for the purpose of purchasing weapons for the Revolution.

So from our inception our country has built a line of credit to borrow...and borrow...and this instance, borrowing to fund their war. Now I believe that every man has the natural right to be free to make his own choices. And I would personally stand up for the rights of people who are being wronged or their natural rights were being violated.. But we have built debt from day one. Don't get me wrong, there have been a number of times in this country's existence that we have paid these debts, however we perpetuate this belief that unregulated capitalism and borrowing are going to be our economic salvation. All the while, good, honest, hardworking people are losing everything from their homes and jobs to their retirements and investments.

Anyone who still believes in the "Right/Left" paradigm is only encouraging this behavior further. It is up to us to decide when we have had enough of their "representation" and create our own, new representation.

Is there a such thing as too much technology? When we begin working to pay for our technology, we have bowed to another slavemaster. Don't get me wrong, there are benefits to technology. But when technology becomes our obsession, we tend to forget there is a beautiful Earth beneath our feet and a mass of wonderful people who mostly want the same things we want. How did we get along until 25 years ago?

We want security for ourselves and our families. And we want to enjoy our loved ones and watch them flourish. How can we do that when we our breaking our backs just to keep up with the pace of an economy? Many a man and woman work so hard trying to attain and keep comforts so their families can live well. But stuff is not life. When we die we take nothing from this Earth but our reputation. And included in our reputation is the picture family and friends have created as a result of the quality of life and love we have offered to them.

So, would you be willing to comprimise a small amout of your quality of physical life for a larger portion of the quality of mental life so your loved ones can feel more secure? Is it all about stuff over satisfaction? You can still have stuff, but when do you have enough stuff and when you begin acquire new stuff are you feeling that there is not much satisfaction to "more"? And there is solid evidence that claims your quality of life peaks at a certain point of financial prominence before it plateaus and sometimes even begins dropping while wealth still rises. So, how can we make time to enjoy those around us? Simplify.

What does "Simplify" mean? In the next blog I will attempt to demonstrate what we can do to save a little money so our lives are a little less demanding that will hopefully free up a little time for us to enjoy and interact more with the people we care about. Some of these ideas are practical. Others may be a little unorthodox. But while we wait to find out, please ponder on the following question:

Would you give 80% of what you have so 5 people could have 80% more than they have?
I tend to believe I know what mothers will say..."I already have." So maybe the rest of us can be more like moms....

Every dollar that is made at the top is being taken from some unfortunate soul at the bottom.

Next Blog...Simple tips that will save us money and care for the Earth and its inhabitants.

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